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Gr11 Moral Awards Ceremony

The Grade 11 Moral activity commending ceremony was held successfully at the Lecture Theater at 19:00 on May 26th, 2015. There were 50students who were awarded, include 42 advanced students, 4 excellent electrical instructors,and 4 security students There were several leaders who attended the ceremony, they are, director of SAO,Miss Ma Xiaokui, dorm director Miss Zhao Suhuan and Mr. Yin Hongbo etc.

Firstly, Mrs.ZhuangShuang, the grade level supervisor announced the awarded stduents’ name list, then school leaders issued students the awards and diplomas.then students who were excellent in first stage of  dorm activities were awarded.

This ceremony was held orderly and every student there was encouraged. Our school receives good educational effect and it ended in a warm atmosphere.