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Congratulations to students from BCCSC won the Sunny Sports Beijing Students’ Street-Dance Competition

There were 17 students from BCCSC who attended the 2014 Sunny Sports Beijing Students Street -Dance Competition. Zhao Mengjun won the Second Prize for Women’s Singles. Deng Keyu, Li Huixuan, Wu You, Qiao Youying and Xiao Xi won the Third Prize of the Women’s Group. Miss Ma Ziyin, the Faculty advisor won the Third Prize of Advising. There were 720 students from 83 schools of 12 Districts who attended this competition, which was hosted by Beijing Students Activity Management Centre; it was organized by the Beijing Aerobics Sports Dance Committee and Beijing Ditan Gym

Congratulations to the BCCSC students for wining honor and showing off the best part of BCCSC.