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Heath Psychology Course

BCCSC Heath Psychology Teaching Materials

Introduction of Main Courses:

BCCSC has been exploring experiential Psychology education courses and gradually completed a series of experiential courses, which are suitable for high school students. The main courses include:

First Impression:

One period. Teachers use multi-media to put up students’ pictures with different characteristics, then, ask students to provide feedback about the impression of every picture (impression: good, normal, bad).  Using the students’ feedback, teachers find out which is the best picture and worst picture, then ask students to think about how to give a good impression to others.

You say and I write:

One period. Teachers show some teaching formula or pictures on computer to students, then ask a student to see the teaching formula or the picture and describe (only words) what he/she saw to other students, who are not allowed to ask questions or communicate. The other students write or draw out what they imagine through the words they heard from the student. Through this activity, students can feel what the differences between words expression and understanding are, how mistakes happened, and the important reasons for conflicts.  

Carry-Fall and Trust:

One period. Through the activity of Carry-Fall Activity, students can gain trust and understand trust.

Flood is coming:

One period. Through the activity “Be out of Danger”, students can find out about their personality.


Teachers spend 10 minutes in every class and lasting a term. Through taking care of an egg, students can feel the difference between “be responsible” and “knowing about being responsible”.

Learn to keep faith:

Teachers spend 10 minutes in every class and this last a term. Through insisting on keeping a promise for a term, students can feel the difference between “keeping faith and knowing how to keep faith.”