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Grade12 Graduation Banquet was Completed Successfully

Grade 12 teachers and students participated in the “Graduation Ceremony 2016” at YUN HEYUAN Holiday Resort on May 26, 2016.  Andy Truong, Executive Director; MS. Xue Mei, Principal; Mr. James Tian, Executive Principal and other school leaders participated in the ceremony.

Andy Truong greeted us with the opening speech and mentioned the achievements the students have made. Then, students and teachers enjoyed the excellent performances.  

The school leaders issued the “Dance King” and “Dance Queen”. Some students played bowling, billiards and Sha Hu balls; some students took pictures with their teachers. Everyone wanted to record about this moment with pictures and videos.

The banquet began at 5:40 p.m. Teachers and students talked to each other a lot and expressed their sadness of parting.  

At 6:40 p. m. the banquet ended. Some students didn’t want to leave. They wanted to spend more time with their teachers and classmates. Finally, when the school bus left, students waved to their teachers.

If you want to get more information about this event, please click the Student Administrative Office’s link: http://weibo.com/beijingccsc.