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“Realize the Round Square Ideals; Create Happy Campus Culture” Culture Month Activity

In order to boost the campus culture, enrich the students’ extra-curricular life, improve the students’ self-management ability, cultivate the student’s good life habit, BCCSC held the “Realize the Round Square Ideals; Create Happy Campus Culture” Culture Month Activity during October. 7 to December 23, 2016.

This activity included cartoon, calligraphy, writing article competition, blackboard news papers, Rope skipping, shuttlecock kicking, checkers, chess and so on. Under the school leaders’ love, variety kinds of warm tea were provided to students.

The theme of this activity was “Realize the Round Square Ideals; Create Happy Campus Culture”. These kinds of activities provide students a platform of showing themselves. All the students participated in the activities and made contribution to the BCCSC campus culture.



一等奖:张佳睿、马蕴泽;二等奖:吴忠恒、张嘉惟、靖 芮、王 可 三等奖:黄衍森、魏 戎

2、象 棋:

一等奖:康 宁、马蕴泽;二等奖:张哲铭、许轶伦、张嘉惟、周子源、 三等奖:吴忠恒、朱 睿、赵铂瑞

3、跳 棋:

一等奖:王贵君、周子源;二等奖:马灵茹、李 滢 三等奖:何 瑶、吴忠恒、朱 睿

4、踢 毽:

一等奖:马灵茹、许美格、丁四夕;二等奖:张维泰、叶怡雯、潘司鹏 三等奖:郭怡兰、聂嘉睿、刘璋民

5、跳 绳:


6、书 法:

一等奖:常 璇、张维泰;二等奖:黄彬笛、常璇; 三等奖:钟杰瑞、李乃恒、石子扬

7、绘 画:

一等奖:陈杭之、关安妮雅;二等奖:黄馨蕾、刘佳昕、赵苗邑 三等奖:杨慧司、陈培玉、李乃恒、王海智;

8、征 文:

一等奖:梁慧伊、李 恺、胡洪韬 二等奖:马梦琀、徐砚馨、张 晶、翁玉麒、王海智 三等奖:陈杭之、黄逸飞、王子源、焦光耀、魏雨瑄、赵 婕、胡舒雅


一等奖:石君玉、张维泰;二等奖:桑澜、夏子涵; 三等奖:朱宇嘉、黄馨蕾

10:、板 报:

一等奖:女二层、男三层;二等奖:女三层、女四层、男四层; 三等奖:男二层