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BCCSC-BCS 2016-1017 Term 2 Opening Ceremony Was Held Grandly

All the staff and students of BCCSC and BCS participated in the opening ceremony of this term at the football field at 8:00 a.m. on February 20. Mr. Andy Truong, Executive Director; Mr. James Tian, Executive Principal; Mr. Thom Sunega, the Canadian Vice-Principal; Ms. Jinzhi, Secretary of Communist Party BCCSC Branch, and Mr. Breeze, Vice-Principal attended the opening ceremony.

During the opening ceremony, Mr. Andy Truong delivered a remark. He hopes the students can devote themselves to their studying in a whole new look and wishes for them to achieve excellent results. Han Xiao, the representative of G12, made a speech. At the end of the ceremony, Mr. Ma Ke, the Director of Teaching Administrative Office, announced the “ Great Wall and Maple Gold and Excellent Awards”, the awards of international math contests, the group awards of English vocabulary tests; the excellent academic awards of the primary school and middle school. The school leaders issued trophies and certificates.

The opening ceremony was hosted by Cheng Yiran and Zhao Xueran of G11

BCCSC Teaching Administrative Office