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The Opening Ceremony of Grade 10 Military Training,BCCSC 2017

After raining, the weather was nice with bright sunshine and fresh air. BCCSC’s military ceremony started at 8:10 a.m. on August 28, 2017.

Andy Truong, Executive Director, presented a speech. Mr. James Tian, Executive Principal; Ms. Jinzhi, the Secretary of Party Branch and vice principal; Mr. Thom Sunega, the Canadian Vice-Principal; Mr. Cao Xiaiopeng, the Director of High School; the instructors for the military training; all foreign teachers; and Grade 10 students participated in the ceremony.

The national flag rose up solemnly. 7 standard-bearers and the flag-protectors were selected from the new students. They were trained a half day by the old standard-bearers and the flag-protectors. They did a good job.

Mr. Andy Truong, presented a speech in English and Chinese. He hopes that the students can finish their three years of high school with a detailed plan and a clear goal. The leaders of the military training instructors put forward the requirements and goals for the students. Wu Yifan, the representative of the students, presented the students’ commitments to participate seriously in the military training.

With the announcement of Mr. Tian Zhengzhou, the Executive Principal, the military training began.