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BCCSC/BCS Sports Meeting, 2018

On the morning of September 30, 2018, the Opening Ceremony of BCCSC Sports Meeting was held on the football field. Mr. Tian Zhenzhou, Executive Principal; Ms. Jing Zhi, the Secretary of Party Branch and Vice Principal; Ms. Ma Xiaokui, Vice-principal; Ms. Zhang Weihong, Vice-principal and Mr. Ma Ge, Vice-Principal, attended the ceremony.

The ceremony kicked off at the entrance of all the students. The students took strong steps. Their resolute looking and bright smiles expressed their enthusiasm.

First of all, Mr. Tian Zhenzhou, delivered the opening speech to propose and emphasize the spirit of "developing sports and improving fitness", and encouraged students to exercise their bodies and hone their minds with a healthy body and a full brain to provoke the motherland.

The athletes on the field were like rabbits from the starts. The athletes faced not only the physical test but also the psychological test. The athletes participating in various projects truly embodied the sports spirit of striving and never giving up. At the end of the competition, parents and children interacted. Parents said that "today's interaction brought me back to my childhood and I had a good time with my children". Thank you for your active participation.

The games were full of exciting competitions, fierce competition and excellent results. Some students broke the previous school records. The sports meeting not only cultivated students' enterprising spirit but also enhanced students' cohesive force and added new vigor and vitality to the future development of our school.