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BCCSC&BCS Teachers’ Day Celebration

All staff of BCS & BCCSC gathered together to celebrate the 35th teachers’ day on Sep.12th. The school held a variety of celebrations and sent a sincere blessing to the hard-working teachers.

On the morning of September 10, our school invited staff and teachers from our earliest day and retirees back to the school to celebrate the festival of all teachers. The leadership team thanked them for the construction to the school and looked forward to seeing them coming back to the school from time to time.

The celebration lunch followed the retiree meeting. Executive director Andy Truong delivered a speech. Principal ms. Xuemei recognized staff who have worked at BCS and BCCSC for 5 years. The leadership team awarded the staff and student representative handed out the flowers. Executive principal Mr James Tian recognized the outstanding staff for 2018-2019 school year term 2.

The staff of the cafeteria served a delicious buffet lunch. The whole celebration ended in the laughter of the faculty and staff.