Remarks from Mr. Shawn Graham, Former Premier of New Brunswick
Distinguished guests,
Mr. Jim Nickel, Charge De Affairs from Canadian Embassy
Principals, teachers,
Parents, family and community members,
Good afternoon. Nĭ hăo.
It is a pleasure to be here today to extend greetings on behalf of the Honorable Blaine Higgs, Premier of the province of New Brunswick, Canada.
I have had the honour of visiting China many times and each time I am impressed by the hospitality of the people and the beauty of the country.
Being here at the Great Hall of the People to share in this special day as these deserving graduates receive their diplomas is certainly a real privilege.
Today, we acknowledge the accomplishments of more than ¬¬700 graduates from the Concord Colleges.
We are here today because of strong partnerships and hard work.
Through the partnership between Dr. Francis Pang and AKD, and the Province of New Brunswick, graduating students have received a world-class education.
Their hard work has earned them Chinese and New Brunswick diplomas and the ability to expand their horizons and reach their maximum potential.
The world needs young people like these graduates who have critical thinking skills and comprehensive knowledge, and who can apply these skills in ways that enrich their own lives and the lives of others.
Today, more than ever, we must inspire young people to care about the world and its people.
The work between New Brunswick and AKD helps us to achieve this goal.
Here are some of the remarkable achievements we’ve accomplished together since 1997:
• We have provided enriching professional and cultural experiences to over 1,500 Canadian and other foreign educators teaching in China.
• Through the Enhanced Program, more than 1,575 students from Concord Colleges have had the opportunity to spend a semester in either grade 11 or 12 in a New Brunswick school.
• More than 400 New Brunswick students have travelled to China to participate in the cross-cultural summer camp exchange.
• Our programs have created great social, cultural and educational opportunities for more than 6,500 students, and given them the choice to attend post-secondary education in New Brunswick.
• As well, several Concord Colleges have received their global memberships with Round Square, which will provide many opportunities for students to participate in conferences and international service programs.
These are just a few of the successes we have achieved together over the past two decades.
None of this would be possible without the dedication of Dr. Pang and his staff and of course without students and their families.
We know that education is an investment in the future.
Each of our graduates, along with their families has made that investment and I know it will pay dividends.
I would like to take this opportunity to extend congratulations to the parents and families of the graduates. Without your support today would not be possible.
It is also important to acknowledge the work of the staff in all the schools who have done a fine job giving students the life skills and education they need to follow their dreams.
But first and foremost, I wish to congratulate the graduates.
Today you have achieved the foundational block of your future success: your Chinese and New Brunswick diplomas.
Getting an education is one of the best decisions you can make in life.
I encourage you to continue to set goals and to believe in your ability to achieve them.
You are the beneficiaries of the strong educational vision of exceptional people like Dr. Francis Pang, who has been recognized by the United Nations and Canada for his contribution to international education, and of your many teachers and your families.
Use that to your advantage and continue to pursue excellence in everything you do.
To all the 2019 Concord College graduates, I wish you all the best in your future endeavours.
I invite everyone to join me in giving a well-deserved round of applause for our accomplished graduates.
Xie Xie.