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第一部分内容,5月27日、28日两天开展以“我参赛 我开心 我体验 我快乐”为主题,参赛与体验相结合的活动。参赛内容为全学年下半学期的“智慧大比拼”比赛项目(配乐朗读、古诗背诵、模拟购物、认读单词、照片介绍、软陶制作、舞蹈比赛、拼图比赛、传统知识);体验内容为超市消费体验(用自己比赛所得在二1班开心超市内进行自主消费)。通过九项比赛活动对近一学期所学进行复习巩固,人人参与,赛出开心;通过消费体验活动使学生把所学进行实际应用,学会合理支出,明白消费,二年级学生学会建立并管理超市,一年级学生学会使用货币;通过设立“爱心补给”环节,使比赛中失利的学生有额外获得奖励的机会,帮助学生建立自信。活动期间学生们穿着精心装扮的漂亮服装,热情高涨的参与活动,他们不但收获了成功的喜悦,更收获了知识快乐。

第二部分内容在5月29日下午,以“童心向党 放飞理想”为主题,开展了老队员退队仪式和新队员入队仪式。首先在《童年》的音乐声中,老队员轻轻的摘下并折起红领巾,珍藏起最美好的回忆,随后他们为新队员佩戴了红领巾。在鲜红的队旗下,大队辅导员带领新队员庄严宣誓。接下来新老队员和辅导员的发言,使学生们对于红领巾,对于少先队有了更深刻的认识,所有少先队员的脸上都洋溢着激动自豪的笑容。仪式过后,二年1班的全体同学献上了精彩的舞蹈《水果拳》。张群校长在最后的讲话中对学生们提出了期望。入队后老师和家长都一致表示,学生们瞬间长大了许多。第三部分内容,在6月1日当天上午的每节课间,学校为小朋友们精心准备了儿童歌曲,为学生们营造浓浓的节日氛围。下午,在篮球馆举办了“庆六一,亲子运动会”学生们可以同家长一起参与活动,欢度六一。


BCS Celebrated Children’ s Day

Gentle spring wind has dusted the dirt and green leaves and colorful flowers are everywhere. Children’ s long-waited holiday-Children’ s Day is coming. In order to let students have a joyful and meaningful holiday, there are three parts of this activity.

Firstly, we held activity with the theme of I’m happy because I join in and experience on 27th and 28th . The contents of this competition were all the wisdom activities in second semester such as read with music, ancient poetic prose reciting, mock shopping, read words, photo introduction, make polymer clay, dance competition, puzzle game and traditional knowledge. Experience content is shopping in supermarket(shop with what they won in activities in grade 2 class 1. By the nine activities, students consolidated what they have learned and enjoyed these activities. By shopping experience, students learned how to spend money properly. Grade 2 class 1 learned how to manage the supermarket. We still have part of helping students who failed competition by giving them another chance to set up their confidence. Students wore colorful clothes and took an active part in the activities. They enjoyed the happiness of success and knowledge.

The second,on May 29th,we held a ceremony to celebrate the old members who graduated from the pioneers and admission ceremony for the new on the subject of "Children turn hearts to our party,let dreams fly".With the music of the song Childhood,the old members took off their red scarfs and folded them,treasured those fond memories and then wore red scarfs for the new.The instructor led the new young pioneers swear under the red flag. Next, old and new member gave a speech to let students have a deeper knowledge about the red scarf. All young pioneers were excited and proud. After the ceremony, grade 2 class 1 students showed excellent dance-fruit fists. At last , Mrs. ZhangQun, the principal, put forward expectation about students. Teachers and parents agreed that students have grown a lot.

The third, our school prepared children’ s songs carefully during each break on June 1st and built strong holiday atmosphere. In the afternoon, we held parent- children activity to let parents and their children enjoy the celebration together.

So far, BCS celebration activities of children’ s Day closed successfully. Wish all children happy Children’ s Day and every day!