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在金秋硕果飘香的季节,我们迎来了第31个教师节。2015年9月11日中午,北京中加学校/华仁学校中、加方教职工在教工餐厅举办了以“学为人师,行为世范”为主题的庆祝教师节活动,表彰了今年在北京中加学校工作满五周的年教职员工。北京中加学校执行董事Andy Truong先生在大会上致辞,代表董事会和学校向全校教职工致以节日的问候;执行校长田振周先生宣读了在北京中加学校工作今年满五周年的教职工名单,学校领导为他们颁发了纪念品,学生代表为他们献上了鲜花;庆祝活动在全校教职工共进丰盛午餐中圆满结束。

BCCSC/BCS Celebrated Teacher’s Day

On September 11, 2015, Our Chinese and foreign staff gathered into staff cafeteria to celebrate the 31st Teachers' Day. The main topic for the festival is “Teachers’ Good Behavior is Far-reaching Significance”. During ceremony, school commended some staff who have been working in BCCSC for 5 years. Mr. Andy Truong, Executive Director delivered a speech and sent festival greetings to all staff on behalf of the board. Mr. TIAN Zhenzhou, Executive Principal read the staff names who have been working in BCCSC for 5 years. School leaders presented souvenir for them, student representatives presented flowers for them. Celebration ended happily with a big lunch.