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本次活动首先由加方副校长Josephine Osadec女士致开幕词,对获奖同学表示祝贺。然后开始颁奖环节,本次颁奖晚宴共为113名学生颁奖。晚宴还特别邀请了王学涛等同学为大家做才艺表演,他们精彩的演出为本次活动增添了欢快的色彩。

最后,我校执行董事Andy Truong先生致贺词,他勉励同学们相互学习、继续发挥自身优势,为实现自己的人生目标和理想努力拼搏。获奖同学与嘉宾、校领导、老师、家长合影留念。活动在轻松、欢乐的氛围中圆满结束。

附:执行董事Andy Truong先生贺词

2015 Principal Award Banquet-April 23, 2015

Honored guests, Mr. Prescott, Mr. Munn from CIS, Mr. Jiang from Heibei, parents, dear students and teachers;

Good evening!

Over the year, I have attended many events and dinners but this evening is very special…as we celebrate the Best of the Best.

I am honored to be invited back to this 14th Annual Principals Award Banquet in celebrating the achievements and overall excellence in students.

I understand tonight, we will be awarding 113 students, less than 15%of our student population. This is indeed a very special and elite group. You all made us very proud and tonight’s awards confirm your dedication, hardwork, academic excellence and endless hours you have put into these achievements over the past year. Outstanding academic achievement is one of the most important factors in deciding your future acceptance by top famous university.

For the Grade 10 and 11 students, please continue to work hard as I like to see all of you back here next year.

For the Grade 12 students, thank you for being a great role model in leading and best wishes in your remaining study at BCCSC. I understand some of you have already been accepted into many top universities in Canada, US and around the world. Congratulations.

Lastly, I want to sincerely thank the event Organizing Committee and SAO for organizing this celebration and of course our Kitchen staff for this wonderful meal.

Again, Congratulations to all the winners. Enjoy your evening as this is your night-a celebration of excellence.
