2016特殊奖学金 Scholarships
The Canadian Governor General's Academic Medal
The Governor General's Academic Medal was first awarded in 1873 by the Earl of Dufferin and has since become the most prestigious award that a student in a Canadian educational institution can receive. The Governor General of Canada continues this tradition encouraging Canadian scholarship and recognizing outstanding students.
A Bronze Medal is awarded to the student who achieves the highest academic average from his or her High School. This average includes all grade 11 and grade 12 courses.
ZHANG Yuxuan “Regina” from BCCSC and YAO Xingyu “Anna” from SCCSC,WANG Tianen “Lambert” from ACCSC ,SHI Yue “Stacey” from GCCSC and MAN Xinyi “Scarlet” from HCCSC are the recipients of the Canadian Governor General's Academic Medal this year.
Birks Silver Medal Award
The Birks Silver Medal is provided by Henry Birks and Sons (Maritime) Limited for awarding a student of the graduating class in each school who has shown most leadership in student affairs during his or her high school years.
LIU Ruizhe“Nicole” from BCCSC and YE Tingbei “Angel” from SCCSC,LIANG Xueying “Amy” from ACCSC , SHI Yue “Stacey” from GCCSC and WANG Tong “Peter” from HCCSC are the recipients of the Birks Silver Medal this year.
加拿大Henry Birks奖
加拿大Henry Birks奖由Henry Birks and Sons公司颁发,授予高中三年学校举行的各项活动中显示出非凡领导才能的中加学生。
今年获得加拿大Henry Birks奖的是北京中加学校刘睿哲, 深圳中加学校叶庭贝,安徽中加学校梁雪莹,贵阳中加学校石月和长沙中加学校王童
2016 Outstanding Scholarships Recipients
1.Air Canada Scholarship Awards加航奖学金
Air Canada awards 2 scholarships in the amount of 27000 RMB each to 2 BCCSC students with the highest overall mark over the 3 years at the school.
Air Canada Scholarship recipients are: LIU Ruizhe “Nicole”
ZHANG Yuxuan “Regina”
2. Vice-Chancellor’s CCSC Entrance Scholarship 加拿大纽宾士域省大学校长奖学金
UNB awards 5 scholarships in the amount of 2500C$ each to 5 CCSC students who have successfully admitted into UNB in recognition for leadership, entrepreneurial initiative and high academic standing.
President’s Discretionary Award recipients are:
(BCCSC) WANG Bin “Armin”
(SCCSC) YAO Haozhou “Jerry” ,JIANG Zhenkun “Alex”,
WANG Dawei “David”
(ACCSC) TAO Anqi “Leslie” 加拿大纽宾士域省大学校长奖学金获得者是: BCCSC 王斌, SCCSC姚浩洲、江振坤、王达炜, ACCSC陶安琪
3.Royal Roads University Scholarship Awards加拿大皇家大学奖学金
RRU awards 4 scholarships in the amount of 3000C$ each to CCSC students who have successfully admitted into RRU.
Royal Roads University Awards recipients are: (BCCSC) SONG Yuqi “Tina”, LIU Jianing “Clorise”,
(SCCSC ) WANG Qiuchen “Vivian”, WANG Zhiye “John”
皇家大学奖学金获得者是:BCCSC 宋雨琦、刘佳宁, SCCSC 王秋晨、王智业
4. Thompson Rivers University Scholarship Awards
TRU awards 4 scholarships in the total amount of 16000C$ to BCCSC students who have successfully admitted into TRU.
加拿大汤姆逊大学提供16000 加币奖学金给4位成功被加拿大汤姆逊大学录取的中加学生。
TRU Presidents’ Awards recipients are:
(BCCSC) LIU Xingzhe “Andy”, HE Lijia “Max”
(SCCSC) JIANG Zhenkun “Alex”, JIANG Zhenyong “Tony”
BCCSC 刘星哲(5000加币),何立佳(3000加币)
SCCSC 江振坤 (5000加币),江振勇( 3000加币)
5. AEI Scholarship Awards
AEI awards 5 scholarships in the total amount of 25000 RMB to 5 CCSC students with the highest overall mark in Chinese Language over the 3 years at the School.
AEI Scholarship recipients are: (BCCSC ) ZHANG Junmiao “Sharon”,
(SCCSC) CHEN Tianyi “Sophia” ,(ACCSC) TANG Changzhi “Tom” ,(GCCSC) SHI Yue “Stacey”,(HCCSC) CHENG Haojia “Emily”
加拿大大西洋国际教育交流中心奖学金获得者是:BCCSC张钧淼, SCCSC陈天仪, ACCSC 汤长智,GCCSC石月,HCCSC程皓佳 ,
6. CCSC Concord Academic Scholarship Awards中加枫叶奖学金
CCSC awards 5 scholarships in the amount of 10000 RMB each to 5 CCSC students with the highest overall combined mark in Physics, Chemistry & Biology over the 3 years.
CCSC Concord Academic Scholarship recipients are: (BCCSC) ZHANG Yuxuan “Regina”, (SCCSC) CAI Renjun “Chris”, (ACCSC) LIANG Xueying “Amy”, (GCCSC) SHI Yue “Stacey” , (HCCSC) LIU Xuanting “Michael”
中加枫叶奖学金获得者是:BCCSC张宇轩, SCCSC蔡仁君, ACCSC梁雪莹, GCCSC 石月,HCCSC 刘轩廷
7. CCSC International Student Scholarship
CCSC awards 4 scholarships to its international students who have met the following criteria:
1) In the amount of US $2500 to the student with the highest overall mark in Grade 10 high school program.
2) In the amount of US $2500 to the student with the highest overall mark in Grade 11 high school program.
3) In the amount of US $2500 to the student with the highest overall mark in Grade 12 high school program.
4) In the amount of US $2500 to the student who has demonstrated outstanding leadership and community service abilities.
1) JIN HYE YEON “Destiny” with the highest overall mark in Grade 10.
总分第一的高一国际学生是: 陈惠娟
2) KIM TAE WOO “Tom” with the highest overall mark in Grade 11.
总分第一的高二国际学生: 金泰佑
3) SO JI YOON “Vicky” with the highest overall mark in Grade 12.
总分第一的高三国际学生是: 苏智允
4) JEONG HYE WON “Jenny” who has demonstrated outstanding leadership and community service.
在领导才能和团队精神方面表现出色的国际学生是: 郑慧元
8. AKD-AEI EP Student Leadership Awards
AKD-AEI 交流生领导力奖学金
AKD-AEI awards 2 scholarships in the amount of 5000 RMB each to 2 CCSC students who meet the following criteria:
•Involvement in school /homestay/community activities
•Academic success
AKD-AEI EP Student Leadership Awards recipients are:
(BCCSC) CHEN Xinjie“Angela”, WANG Bin “Armin”
(SCCSC) YAN Xudong“Jason”
AKD-AEI交流生领导力奖学金获得者是: (BCCSC) 陈新洁、王斌,(SCCSC) 闫旭东
9. Tsui Family Foundation Scholarship
Tsui Family Foundation awards 10 scholarships in the total amount of 50,000RMB to 10 CCSC students with excellent performance in academic and school activities.(5000RMB for each student, 2 students in each school.)
Tsui Family Foundation Scholarship recipients are:
(BCCSC ) GUO Wang “Ever”, ZHANG Yaqiao “Helen”
(SCCSC) LI Yue “Libby”, QIU Qinxin “Ada”
(ACCSC) TAO Anqi “Leslie”, CHEN Ruihuan “Josh”
(GCCSC) SHI Yue “Stacey”, YANG Liting “Jessica”
(HCCSC) MAN Xinyi “Scarlet”, WANG Tong “Peter”
BCCSC 郭旺、张雅乔,SCCSC 李悦 、邱琴心
GCCSC石月、 杨丽婷