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北京中加华仁学校参加加拿大数学竞赛 获奖结果通报

我校于2017年4月参加了由滑铁卢大学主办的加拿大数学竞赛(Euclid,Galois,Hypatia,Gauss Contest),竞赛的结果已于近日揭晓,我校有45名同学获奖,参加伽罗瓦竞赛(Galois Contest)的同学中,高一IP4班的魏凌远同学取得33/40分的优异成绩,海巴夏竞赛(Hypatia Contest)组中高二AP1班的邹晓昱同学取得33/40分的优异成绩,欧几里得竞赛(Euclid Contest)组的高三AP1班的王星玥和高二AP1班的邹晓昱同学同列竞赛组第一名的优异成绩。同学们付出的时间和辛苦,终于有了收获,在此给予他们祝贺和表扬。祝愿他们再接再厉,争取在以后的各类国际竞赛中取得更加优异的成绩。

We took part in the Canadian Mathematics Contest which was organized by University of Waterloo In April 2017. The result of the competition has been announced recently, and 45 students won the prizes in our school. Wei Lingyuan from Grade 10 IP4 class has scored 33/40 in Galois Contest, and Zou Xiaoyu from Grade 11 AP1 class has scored 33/40 in Galois Contest, Wang Xingyue from Grade 12 AP1 class and Zou Xiaoyu from Grade 11 AP1 class have won the first place in Euclid Contest team. Their great efforts have been duly rewarded. Congratulations! We hope they will make persistent efforts and strive to achieve more excellent results in various international competitions.


伽罗瓦奖牌获得者 魏凌远海巴夏奖牌获得者 邹晓昱

欧几里得奖牌获得者 冯斯楠欧几里得奖牌获得者 王星玥