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2017年9月4日,新学期伊始,来自澳大利亚巴拉瑞特文法学校的Tess Heath同学来到了我校。与我校高二、2班梁怡珍同学结成一对一圆方交流互换,开展为期二个月的双边交流活动。

10月3日Tess同学顺利返回澳大利亚,梁怡珍同学也开始了她在巴拉瑞特文法学校的学习生活。两天前,我校圆方项目代表助理Ann HU女士接到了巴拉瑞特文法学校校长Adam Heath 先生发来的感谢信,信中Heath先生对Tess同学在我校交流期间对她的照顾和活动安排表示感谢,并提到这次交流将是影响Tess同学一生的经历。 我校自2013年加入世界圆方组织(Round Square)以来,共接待了20余名来自世界各地的交流学生,相信在将来的时光里,我们会迎来更多的交流生,帮助同学们开拓国际视野,了解多元文化。

Dear Ann

Thank you for the incredible care and support that you have offered Tess throughout her stay in China. She has enjoyed such a positive, memorable and life changing experience.

She mentioned particularly the great care that you have shown for her and particularly appreciates all of the effort that you made to ensure that her experience was positive. I hope that you have enjoyed your trip to South Africa.

Thank you again Ann – I remain very grateful to you.

Warmest regards