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2018年12月7日加拿大劳瑞尔大学代表团到访北京中加学校。代表团一行四人- David McMurray -主管学生事务的副校长; Jennifer Casey –主管教务的助理副校长; Ben Yang(杨河)-国际部主任; Tarique Plummer -学生会主席参加了这次来访。

从早上十点半到校,北京中加学校各领导及学生领袖代表们参加了此次会议。 劳瑞尔大学与北京中加学校已是合作了十三年的老盟校了,就“以学生为本,学生第一”的理念是双方非常有共识的一个教育理念。 David和 Jennifer同时提到走访了全世界这么多学校,北京中加学校是唯一一所由学生领袖们共同参加到学校领导会议中的学校,劳瑞尔的三个理念:以学生为中心!主动性的学习态度!实践性的学习态度!贯穿了整个走访!


On Dec. 7th/2018 BCCSC’s Old friend Wilfrid Laurier University Delegation has visited Beijing Campus. The delegation included: David McMurray -VP, Student Affairs; Jennifer Casey – Assistant VP, Enrolment; Ben Yang- Director of Global Engagement and Tarique Plummer -President of the Students’ Union.

Both schools share the same vision and values, which is “student centered, student first”. Tarique and Ben from Wilfried Laurier University focused their speeches on “Student Centered! Active Learning! and Experimental Learning!” that all BCCSC students took part in. We all enjoyed the presentation very much as it was organized and hosted by our students leaders themselves. No teachers or leaders took part in the whole presentation, which made it so special! We are all very proud of our students. And looking forward to our many more years of friendship and cooperation.